Machine Learning

Gone Fishing: 4 Metrics for Evaluating Binary Classifiers

Gone Fishing: 4 Metrics for Evaluating Binary Classifiers

This guide provides an intuitive overview of 4 common metrics used to evaluate machine learning classification models: accuracy, recall, specificity, and precision. Introduction A binary classifier (test, algorithm, etc.) tries to categorize observations into one of...

How to Play Wordle like a Data Scientist

How to Play Wordle like a Data Scientist

Recently, we’ve noticed more and more Wordle games facing fates like these: One Monday, our Founding Partner Derek let slip that, over the weekend, he’d programmed a Wordle solver which would avoid such a fate. Over subsequent weeks, our team ended up running some...

Predicting Customer Retention: A Probabilistic Approach

Predicting Customer Retention: A Probabilistic Approach

A key metric for success At the heart of any business model is the concept of retention rate, the fraction of customers remaining at a given point in time. It’s a measure of how valuable your product or service is to your customers—the more valuable your product, the...