Charles Pensig

Charles Pensig Founding Partner

The Wharton School
BSE, Statistics, Finance, Marketing

The University of Pennsylvania
BA, Japanese

Charles works as a data decoder, translating between the worlds of mathematics and business. He applies a unique blend of machine learning know-how and corporate acumen to helping CEOs glimpse the future and forge new paths for their companies. He previously held data science roles at Andreesen-Horowitz-backed mid-market companies Jawbone and Optimizely, and was director of data science at Oak Labs, acquired by Verifone. He served as a research fellow at NYU, analyzing stock market performance, and later as assistant director of research at the Wharton School, connecting top companies to academic teams in order to conduct applied data science investigations. When he’s not building businesses–he runs a short-term rental outfit and a Japanese street food company–or boning up on one of the four languages he speaks, you can find Charles at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art or attending the Sundance Film Festival.